working parents

Checking in...

Checking in...

Back when I was young and innocent, there was a woman in my department.  We'll call her Emma (on the basis that that will narrow it down to approximately 100,000 women of my generation).  Emma was whip-smart, hard-working and generally an all-round great person to have on our team.  She often worked late, took on extra responsibilities and looked after the new graduates.  Emma was also the first person at my professional services firm to work a four day week; in an office of mostly men, in the 2000s, this was A Big Deal. 

A Brighter Future

A Brighter Future

As the New Year dawns, with the added joys of lockdown #3, you might be forgiven for thinking it’s a rather grey and uninspiring dawn. However, here at 9-2-3, we’ve been thinking about the months and years to come and we’re feeling hopeful about the post-pandemic landscape for businesses; there are definitely signs of a brighter future shining through the clouds.

“But what if EVERYONE wants flex?”

“But what if EVERYONE wants flex?”

If we let one person work flexibly, then everyone will want to!” is often the argument we hear when speaking to companies who are resistant to introducing flexible working arrangements.

And at 9-2-3, our response is: “That’s a good thing!”

Returning to work: meet Jenna

Returning to work: meet Jenna

Perhaps it was the return of confidence or the break away from lego building, but something was telling me I was just so ready for a new opportunity. I was excited to tell people about what I was doing, I became EVEN more efficient with my time (if that is physically possible when already having a young family), it was like I had a new lease of life and, admittedly, such an ego boost, as things seemed to be going so well and clicking into place with work & life and the juggle. 

Returning to work: Meet Hannah...

Returning to work: Meet Hannah...

The phrase ‘returning to work after children’ seems to suggest to some people that you’re looking for a job that will be some sort of tepid compromise…something that you only accept because it works between school drop off at 8:03 and your youngest’s badminton lesson at 15:20.  NO THANK YOU!   I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love our three children and I will of course be claiming at least fifty percent of the glory if any of them end up on an Olympic podium, badminton racquet in hand but my career is exactly that – mine.  Returning to work after children for me was first and foremost about finding something that would be a clear and positive progression in a long and happy career.

Flexible working for me

Flexible working for me

This month we’ve taken on another five members of staff to join the 9-2-3 team, and it’s led me to think about what flexible working means for me. I set up 9-2-3 Jobs following a frustrating (and fruitless) period of looking for work myself. For the first few years I would work alone from my own home….