flexible working benefits

“But what if EVERYONE wants flex?”

“But what if EVERYONE wants flex?”

If we let one person work flexibly, then everyone will want to!” is often the argument we hear when speaking to companies who are resistant to introducing flexible working arrangements.

And at 9-2-3, our response is: “That’s a good thing!”

#generationflex - A graduate's perspective on the need for flexible working

#generationflex - A graduate's perspective on the need for flexible working

“Having the freedom to work flexibly and being able to dictate your own hours creates a two-way relationship of trust. Personally, for me it creates a greater sense of company loyalty as it demonstrates a high level of trust from your employer, helping make myself as a recent graduate feel valued.”

Flex: Making it work - as a company

Flex: Making it work - as a company

Now, I know that a blog about the logistical challenges of implementing flex in the workplace is not the most inspiring topic in the world.  As a passionate advocate of flexible working, it is all too easy for me to reel off reasons why it is so powerful.  The benefits to business are not in dispute - proven advantages include a happier, more productive workforce, less sick days taken by staff, increased profits, I could (and on many occasions, do) go on …………… But what people don’t hear about quite so often is exactly HOW businesses make flexible working work within their organisation.  

How technology facilitates flexible working…with Flex IT

If you're wondering if it's possible to implement flexible working within your team...but you keep getting that niggling feeling that it would just be too time consuming and expensive, we can assure you that it's not the big task mountain that you think it is. …


“Job experience and design” - it might not be a term that you are currently familiar with, but this driving force behind flexible working will soon be hitting headlines everywhere. In simple terms it means embracing technology and re-appraising working hours to create a bespoke job experience that suits a person’s individual lifestyle no matter if they’re a flexible worker, freelancer or a small business owner.

How to work from home by @Laura_the_9_to_3

Not only do we love the name of Laura’s business, but we’ve been following her page on Instagram for a while now and love the content she pops out on there. Take a read of the blog she’s written for our #25dayflexup about how she makes ‘working from home’ work for her…

Time to dust off your old CV?

If you’re starting to look for your next opportunity but are worried about how your CV is going to stand out, then fear not, the 9-2-3 team have summarised some of the best tips to help get you going…