Flexible Working Resources
There is a wealth of credible research that supports the many benefits for businesses of flexible working. Here are just a few of the reasons why flexible working could be a good move for your business:
Here are just a few examples of published research that supports the benefits flexible working - and the list is expanding constantly.
Vodafone “How To Build a Game Changing Flexible Working Strategy”
The Future of Work Institute
Deloitte “Flexible Working: Striking a balance”, The Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016
UNISON “Flexible Working: Making it Work”
Working Families is the UK’s work-life balance charity. They help working parents and carers—and their employers—find a better balance between responsibilities at home and in the workplace. They regularly publish unique insights into the boundary where family and work meet.
The CIPD publish extensive workplace resources to support and advise managers on flexible working.
Gov.uk provides comprehensive guidance for employers and employees on all aspects of flexible working.