By the time you read this, your New Year's resolutions may no longer be foremost in your mind. Perhaps they've quietly fallen by the wayside - or perhaps they imploded in a puff of wheatgrass-smoothie-fuelled smoke at some point last week. You may have spent the first week of January declaring that this year you'd practise the saxophone for three hours every day, only eat hand-stroked vegetables grown in the Outer Hebrides, or never argue with your teenage offspring ever again about the levels of hygiene observed in their bedrooms…
A very merry (and healthy) Christmas season
Pulling together
The festive period is often a time of reflection. As December rolls around, we're sometimes haunted by the ghosts of Christmasses past. Of years when the office was festooned with tinsel and the wistful tones of Mariah Carey echoed around the departmental kitchen. This can go either way, of course. You might feel a touch of nostalgia for the years when reindeer sweaters were de rigueur at your Friday morning accounts meeting. You may, on the other hand, shudder at the memory of an office Christmas lunch of lukewarm turkey and soggy sprouts. Either way, this time of year has a habit of focussing the mind on the issue of RTO - the "Return To The Office".
The Big Cheese
Returners: an untapped talent pool
Career returners often fly under the radar. They’re the ninjas of the job market, stealthily filling the skills gaps you didn’t even know you had, silently bringing an abundance of experience to workplaces across the country. Without any fanfare, they provide a wealth of knowledge and invaluable assistance to leadership teams in industries nationwide. And they do it all so unobtrusively that you’ve probably never even thought about them.
Bright Sparks: Top Tips for Returning To Work After a Career Break
The Business Case for Flexible Working
You've probably read a huge amount over the years about why flexible working is great for all of us, as individuals. The newspapers talk about it. Social media outlets rave about it. The UK government itself is championing the many benefits of flex for members of the workforce. What's perhaps discussed less often - but is just as important - is why offering flexible job opportunities also makes fantastic business sense for organisations. We'd like to invite you to come with us as we dig a little deeper into the many upsides of flexibility in the workplace...