Returners: an untapped talent pool

Returners: an untapped talent pool

Career returners often fly under the radar. They’re the ninjas of the job market, stealthily filling the skills gaps you didn’t even know you had, silently bringing an abundance of experience to workplaces across the country. Without any fanfare, they provide a wealth of knowledge and invaluable assistance to leadership teams in industries nationwide. And they do it all so unobtrusively that you’ve probably never even thought about them. 

The Business Case for Flexible Working

The Business Case for Flexible Working

You've probably read a huge amount over the years about why flexible working is great for all of us, as individuals.  The newspapers talk about it.  Social media outlets rave about it.  The UK government itself is championing the many benefits of flex for members of the workforce.  What's perhaps discussed less often - but is just as important - is why offering flexible job opportunities also makes fantastic business sense for organisations.  We'd like to invite you to come with us as we dig a little deeper into the many upsides of flexibility in the workplace...

All Four One

All Four One

Ah, September.  Month of blustery mornings.  Of afternoons where the leaves crunch satisfyingly under your feet.  Of endless confusion about the day on which PE kit is required.  Don't you just love it?

 We can't help but feel a flutter of excitement at this time of year.   Possibly it's because of the sudden silence at home, or the reduced demands for snacks and screen time.  Maybe you're celebrating the excuse to dig out cosy sweaters and to retreat inside with a book.  Or perhaps it's the fact that the air is just that touch fresher, the colours that fraction richer.  Everyone I pass is walking with a little bit more purpose in their steps.  However old we are, as the new academic year rolls around, I think we all feel a little more driven - that it's time to set ourselves some new goals, and that we finally have the bandwidth and the space to achieve them.

Who cares?

Who cares?

Here at 9-2-3, we often talk about the challenges of balancing childcare with careers.  Of how flexible working can help people with disabilities to access the workplace.  About how flex can help older employees extend their working lives.  But there's another group of employees out there whose place in the world of work is also increasingly under threat…

Checking in...

Checking in...

Back when I was young and innocent, there was a woman in my department.  We'll call her Emma (on the basis that that will narrow it down to approximately 100,000 women of my generation).  Emma was whip-smart, hard-working and generally an all-round great person to have on our team.  She often worked late, took on extra responsibilities and looked after the new graduates.  Emma was also the first person at my professional services firm to work a four day week; in an office of mostly men, in the 2000s, this was A Big Deal.