This week, for the first time, we realised that it was light when we awoke. It's funny how such a small thing can lift your heart so much, isn't it? And in our newly-cheery state, we've noticed other tentative suggestions that winter might finally be drawing to a close. The cherry blossom at the school gate is cutting a dash through the grey afternoons. When the sun does come out, the March sky is so intensely blue - so sharp and crisp - that it almost hurts to look at it. They're tiny, incremental steps, but every day feels a little brighter here at 9-2-3 HQ. We're looking forward with renewed excitement to the months to come.
Child's Play
Is it just January blues, or have I fallen out of love with my career?
Michael Georgiou from Aligned Career Coaching, helps professionals who have fallen out of love with the work they do find careers that both fulfil them and bring them joy. We asked Michael what falling out of love with a career might look like, and what professionals can do to start the process of finding a job they love…
Fairy Tales
Out with the old, in with the new…
Nobel Endeavours
Feeling hot, hot, hot
In recent years, menopause in the workplace has become something of an – excuse the pun – hot topic. A report published last year by the cross-party Women and Equalities Committee revealed that the UK is “haemorrhaging talent” in the workplace as a result of menopausal symptoms – and of the stigma, lack of support and discrimination that can sometimes follow in their wake.