part time jobs

Flexible Working and The Wobbly Middle

Our Founder Helen Wright loves flexible working and she has… recently recorded a podcast called “The Wobbly Middle”, hosted by Susannah de Jager and Patsy Day. It's a new series on women reinventing their careers in their 40s. Its aim is to explore how women can find the path to the next stage of their working lives. Each episode will offer insights, through the journeys of very different women, with the goal to inspire, entertain and give comfort. In Helen’s episode she talks about her journey from Broadcast Journalist to Business Owner as well as her passion for flexible employment and how these opportunities are a real enabler in our workplaces.

You can find out more here and have a listen here.

9-2-3 at Banbury Women in Business Awards

We were absolutely chuffed to have our brilliant Founder and Director Helen Wright nominated as a finalists for Business Woman of the Year at the BWIB Awards 2019. Huge congratulations to the deserving winner Liz Nicholson (of Nicholson's Garden Centre).